• Faculty Induction Programme for New Faculty Members on 3rd and 4th March 2022
  • Capacity Building Workshop for the Effective Implementation of OBE” for the faculty members of Civil Engineering Department from 29th April 2021 to 6th May 2021
  • Academic Audit for the year 2019-2020 from 9th March 2021 to 11th March 2021
  • Workshop on “Assessment of Attainment of COs, POs and PSOs” for the faculty members of Agriculture, Biomedical & Chemical Engineering on 16th March 2021
  • Quality Development Workshop on “Framing of Outcomes and Assessment of Attainment of Outcomes” on 6th March 2021
  • Workshop on “Machine Learning for Research and Innovation” from 9th February 2021
  • Webinar on “Examination Reforms and Assessment Strategy” on 14th July 2020
  • Webinar on “Clarity of Program Outcomes (POs)” on 4th May 2020 & 11th May 2020
  • NAAC Sponsored National Level Seminar on “Revised NAAC Frame Work for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education Institutions” on 27th February 2020 and 28th February 2020
  • Workshop onPedagogy for Outcome Based Education” for faculty members on 29th August 2019.
  • A presentation onImplementation of Outcome Based Education” for the faculty members of Civil and Chemical Engineering departments on 24th August 2019.
  • A presentation on “Processes in NBA SAR and Best Practices for AQAR preparation” on 31st October 2018.
  • A presentation on “Curriculum Gap, Process for PO & CO attainment and Course Outcomes for Mandatory courses, Project Work & other Special Courses” on 17th October 2018.
  • A presentation on “Attainment of COs for 2013-2017 Batch Students of CSE & Civil Departments” on 15th May 2018.
  • An awareness program on “NAAC Criteria II -Teaching – Learning and Evaluation & Criterion IV – Infrastructure and Learning Resources” on 2nd May 2018.
  • An awareness program on “NAAC Criterion I – Curricular Aspects” on 4th April 2018.
  • A presentation on “Program Articulation and Course Articulation Matrices of MECH and EEE departments” on 21st March 2018.
  • A presentation on “Program Articulation and Course Articulation Matrices of IT department” on 15th February 2018.
  • Two days workshop on “Pedagogy for Outcome Based Education” on 6th & 8th February 2018.
  • A presentation on “Innovations in Teaching Learning Practices as per NBA and NAAC Criteria” on 8th January 2018.
  • A presentation on “CO-PO/PSO Mapping as per NBA Criteria” on 28th December 2017.
  • Faculty Quiz: Autonomous Process” on 8th December 2017.
  • Two days workshop on “Pedagogy for Outcome Based Education” on 13th & 14th October 2017
  • A presentation on “Delegation of Responsibilities for the various functions of the college” on 16th September 2017.
  • Academic Audit for the academic year 2016-2017 on 23rd June 2017.
  • Academic Audit for the academic year 2015-2016 on 14th and 15th December 2016.
  • Inaugural of SIT Toastmasters Clubs 1 and 2” on 1st September 2016.
  • Faculty Quiz-Phase II : NAAC Accreditation” on 15th February 2016.
  • A presentation on “Process for Redefining Course Outcomes and Assessment of Course Outcomes” on 25th January 2016 
  • Faculty Quiz-Phase I : NBA Accreditation” on 4th September 2015.
  • Academic Audit for the academic year 2014-2015 on 23rd and 24th July 2015.
  • An awareness program on “How to go about NAAC Accreditation” on 5th June 2015 by Dr.N.Alagumurthi, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry.