🎓  Inception of the Department with an intake of 40.
🎓  Increase in intake from 40 to 60
🎓  Establishment of Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab
🎓  Establishment of Communication Systems Lab
🎓  Increase in intake from 60 to 90
🎓  Establishment of Microwave lab
🎓  Establishment of DSP Lab
🎓  Increase in intake from 90 to 120
🎓  University 9th rank
🎓  Basic Electronics Training Programme for +2 rural students
🎓  Work shop on ORCAD PSPICE
🎓  National level symposium FORSCHEN‟05
🎓  Accredited by NBA, AICTE, New Delhi, for 3 years
🎓  Inception of M.E.(Communication Systems)
🎓  First place in TNSCST project competition AICTE & DRDO sponsored National Seminar
🎓  AICTE sponsored National seminar
🎓  Funded research project - 11.67 Lakhs by DRDO
🎓  2 DRDO sponsored National seminars
🎓  University 14th rank
🎓  DRDO sponsored National Conference
🎓  Reaccredited by NBA, New Delhi, for 3 years
🎓  7 University Ranks in UG
🎓  Establishment of VLSI Design Lab
🎓  Increase in intake from 120 to 180
🎓   7 University Ranks in UG
🎓  CSIR,DRDO sponsored National Seminar and Conference
🎓  16 University Ranks in UG & PG(CS)
🎓  Funded research project for 15.5 Lakhs by DRDO
🎓  DST sponsored National Seminar
🎓  Permanent Affiliation by Anna University, Chennai
🎓  18 University Ranks in UG and PG(CS)
🎓  Accredited by NBA for 2 Years
🎓  Research Centre from Anna University Chennai
🎓  2016 - Accredited by NAAC with "A‟ grade for a period of 5 years by National Assessment and Accreditation Council on 17th March, 2016
🎓  ISRO sponsored Seminar
🎓  FDP on “Digital Communication
🎓  Organized Two IEI sponsored All India Seminars, International Conference and FDTP
🎓  IEI funded research
🎓  IEI funded research project for an amount of Rs.0.42 Lakh
🎓  Funded project for Rs.11 Lakhs- IIGP 2.0 University Challenge program
🎓  IEI sponsored All India Seminar
🎓  TNSCST sponsored Workshop
🎓  Received Startup Project Award for Rs.2 Lakhs- IVP, EDII, Chennai
🎓  Granted Rs.3 Lakhs AICTE Sponsored STT in Sustainable Smart Farming in IoT
🎓  Received two awards in TNSI for Rs.2 Lakhs
🎓  Received DST Women Seed Fund of Rs.21,47,899
🎓  Received fund of about Rs.25 lakhs from the Ministry of Agriculture through NIAM
🎓  Received First Prize in VISAI contest
🎓  Received grant of Rs.25 Lakhs- from Unnat Bharat Abiyan
🎓  Received grant of Rs.25 Lakhs- from Ministry of Agri
🎓  Won First Prize of Rs.25 Lakhs- for the event H- Social Creators by Hyundai
🎓  Received grant of Rs. 60.5 Lakhs- from MSME for Projects
🎓  More Consultancy Projects are in Progress
🎓  Received grant of Rs.25 Lakhs- from EDII,Tamil Nadu for 12 startup ideas
🎓   Communication systems are progressing rapidly with 4G applications finding their resonance worldwide. No wonder that Electronics and Communication Engineering has emerged as the preferred career choice of many. The department of ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING was established in the year 1997 to meet the long felt needs of the rural students. With contemporary laboratory facilities and accomplished staff, the department is a force to reckon with today. With an initial intake of 40 students at the year of inception the department has reached the maximum of 240 students. .
🎓   A team of well qualified, highly skilled and dedicated faculty members has carved a niche in sculpting the students for a bright career. The department has a team of 39 faculty members and among them 12 faculty members are holding Doctoral Degree and 17 faculty members are pursuing their Ph.D Programme. The faculty members have professional membership in IETE, MSI and ISTE. The department has a close interaction with the alumni and is continuously using their inputs for improvement of the curriculum and research activities. A post graduate programme leading to M.E. degree in 'COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS' was introduced in the year 2007.
🎓   The major driving force for the present day Information Technology revolution is the development in Communication Engineering. The advancements in Communication and VLSI design techniques have resulted in developing complex electronics devices, circuits and equipments capable of implementing fast and efficient telecommunication systems. Real time transfer of audio and video signals is now possible with recent trends in broad band technologies. Penetration of electronics has now revolutionized other areas like health care, instrumentation, automation, remote sensing, signal processing etc.
🎓   Graduates in Electronics and Communication Engineering have opportunities in Government and private companies for installation, operation and maintenance of electronics equipments and systems. Defense, space and other large research organizations employ electronics engineers in design and development of complex devices and systems for signal processing and telecommunication. Industries involved in design and fabrication of devices, integrated circuits, embedded systems, electronic equipments etc. have also provide large scale placements for engineers with this specialization. Knowledge of computer hardware, networking equipments and communication systems enables Electronics and Communication Engineering graduate to annex an edge in the IT job market.
🎓   Communication is the fastest growing segment of the industry. It has experienced exponential growth over the last decade. The explosive growth of Communication Systems suggests a bright future for Communication Engineering field. This PG programme is an advanced level course in the field of Communication Engineering offering a specialization in terms of technology and applications to fulfill the requirements of the industry.
• IETE: Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE)
• ISTE: Indian Society for Technical Education
• IE(I): Institution of Engineers of India
• IETE Students’ Forum (ISF) celebrated IETE Students Day in ECE department on 17th February 2015. During this celebration, the message of Dr.N.Manjula Dean MBA Thiagarajar School of Management was read out to the participants. Technical Paper presentation, Technical Quiz and C-debugging events were conducted for ISF members and prize winners were rewarded
• IETE Students’ Forum (ISF) celebrated IETE Students Day in ECE department on 7th April 2016. During this celebration, the message of Mr.Evel Bala CEO EVEL India Pvt.Ltd was read out to the participants. Technical Paper presentation, Technical Quiz and C-debugging events were conducted for ISF members and prize winners were rewarded
• Two days’ workshop on “Hands on Training on PCB Design” in collaboration with IETE student forum was organized on 10th July 2018 and 11th July 2018
• Two days’ Workshop on “Design and Fabrication of Antenna” in collaboration with IETE student forum was organized on 12th Feb 2019 and 13th Feb 2019
Two days All India Seminar on “Internet of Things for Smart Applications” on 13/5/2022
All India Seminar on “Smart Antennas for 5G Applications” on 20/05/22
Webinar on Internet of Everything on 31/12/23
The Institution of Innovation Council in association with the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, organized a All India Seminar on “Smart Antennas on 5G Applications ” on 20th May 2022. The workshop focuses on Various recent research topics in 5G applications
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in collaboration with ISTE chapter organized “Webinar on Internet of Everything” on 31.12.22. The purpose of this workshop was to benefit from shared knowledge about IoT in different applications for the students doing projects in this domain and faculty to do their research work in IoT.
🎓   B.E. (Electronics & Communication Engineering).
🎓   M.E. (Communication Systems)
🎓   Ph.D
✤ Signal and Image Processing
✤ Wireless Sensor Networks and IOT
✤ Embedded system Design & VLSI
✤ Antenna Design
  B.E-Electronics and Communication Engineering
🎓   The major driving force for the present day Information Technology revolution is the development in Electronics Engineering. The advancements in microelectronics, satellite and optical fiber technology, analog and digital in communication techniques have resulted in developing complex electronics devices, circuits and equipments capable of implementing fast and efficient telecommunication systems. Real time transfer of audio and video signals is now possible with recent trends in broad band technologies. Penetration of electronics has now revolutionized other areas like health care, instrumentation, automation, remote sensing, signal processing etc.
🎓  Graduates in Electronics Engineering have opportunities in Government and private companies for installation, operation and maintenance of electronics equipments and systems. Defence, space and other large research organizations employ electronics engineers in design and development of complex devices and systems for signal processing and telecommunication. Industries involved in design and fabrication of devices, integrated circuits, embedded systems, electronic equipments etc have also provide large scale placements for engineers with this specialization. Knowledge of computer hardware, networking equipments and communication systems enables electronics engineering graduate to annex an edge in the IT job market.
  M.E –Communication Systems
🎓   Communication is the fastest growing segment of the industry. It has experienced exponential growth over the last decade. The explosive growth of Communication Systems suggests a bright future for Communication Engineering field. This PG programme is an advanced level course in the field of Communication Engineering offering a specialization in terms of technology and applications to fulfill the requirements of the industry.
👉🏿 Need for Modulation
👉🏿 CT Scan
👉🏿 Sequence Generator
👉🏿 Trigonometry Fourier Series
👉🏿 Force Voltage analogy - Problems
👉🏿 Research paper writing process
👉🏿 Analogy of Telephone Network management
👉🏿 Antenna Feeding Techniques
👉🏿 Protection in SONET/SDH
👉🏿 Data Compression
✤ IETE Dr.S.Arivazhagan, Professor.& Head, Department of ECE, Mepco Schlenk Engg. College, Sivakasi inaugurated the IETE Student Forum (ISF) activities and delivered a special lecture on 27th August 2011
🎓  National seminar conducted on “Satellite remote sensing in climate change studies” in collaboration with TNSCST on 12/07/2019.
🎓  All India seminar conducted on “Internet of things for smart applications” in association with The institution of Engineers during 01/08/2019 and 02/08/2019.
🎓  Webinar on “Fun with electronics for school students” was organized during 05/06/2020 & 06/06/2020 in association with Amogaa products Pvt Ltd
🎓  Webinar on “Building Your First Mobile App” was organized on 06/06/2020
🎓  Webinar on “ Exciting Engineering Education” was organized on 07/06/2020
🎓  Webinar on “Carrier guidance for polytechnic and school students” was organized on 08/06/2020
🎓  Webinar on “Science & Technology in Healthcare” was organized on 13/06/2020 for school students
🎓  Guest Lecture-III year in “Web Security” on 08.08.2019 by Mr.Benson Raj, Assistant Professor, HCT, UAE
🎓  Guest Lecture-III year in “Big Data” on 10.08.2019 by Mr.A.M.Sasikumar, SSI education
🎓  Motivation Program- III year in “General Motivation” on 16.08.2019 by Mr.R.Gopinath, Technical driver engineering, Suresoft
🎓  Guest Lecture-III year in “How to face an interview?” on 16.08.2019 by Mr.P.S.Ajith kumar, Hardware engineer, Data pattern
🎓  Guest Lecture-II year in ”Understanding yourself and others” on 27.08.2019 by Ms.V.Agasthiya,Mind makeup, salem
🎓  Guest Lecture-III year in”How to clear UPSC exams?” on 29.08.2019 by Mr.Paneer Selvam, Joint Director, King Makers IAS Academy,
🎓  Test-III year in “Skill Connect ‘19” on 27.09.2019 by Ms. T.Sherlin, Assistant Manager, Netwrok Systems
🎓  Guest Lecture-III year in “E Waste Management”04.11.2019 by Mr.R.Praveen, Caliber Virtual technology
🎓  Guest Lecture-III year”Career prospects for engineers “08.01.2020 by Dr.S.Senthil kumar, Wing Commands, IAF
🎓  Workshop on “Hands on Training on PCB Design”
🎓  Two days workshop on “Hands on Training on PCB Design” in collaboration with IETE student forum was organized on 10th July 2018 and 11th July 2018.
🎓  All India seminar on “Research Challenges in Terahertz wave Technology”
🎓  Two days all India seminar on “Research Challenges in Terahertz wave Technology” in collaboration with Institution of Engineers was organized on 12th July 2018 and 13th July 2018.
🎓  All India seminar on “VLSI Design for Wireless Communication”
🎓  Two days all India seminar on “VLSI Design for Wireless Communication” in collaboration with Institution of Engineers was organized on 19th July 2018 and 20th July 2018. .
🎓  Workshop on “Design and Fabrication of Antenna “ in collaboration with IETE student forum Two days Workshop on “Design and Fabrication of Antenna” in collaboration with IETE student forum was organized on 12th Feb 2019 and 13th Feb 2019.
🎓  SOECE organized a Rural development Programme “Engineering and Life Skills Enhancement” from 04-01-17 to 10-01-17, various eminent persons delivered the guest lecture.
🎓  SOECE organized a special guest lecture “Awareness on Higher studies and competitive exams” on 02-02-17 TIME Institute delivered the guest lecture..
🎓  SOECE organized a special guest lecture “Emerging trends on Electronic design Automation” on 24-02-17 Livewire, Madurai delivered the guest lecture
🎓  SOECE organized a special guest lecture “Radio Wave Propagation” on 25-04-17 UP-Technical Mr.S.Deepak Ram prasath delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a ISRO sponsored Seminar program on,” Recent Trends in Antennas for Space Applications” from 16-03-2017 and 17-03-2017. Mr.A.Selvaraj, Retired General Manager, ISRO, Mahendragiri was the Chief Guest and delivered the guest lecture..
🎓 SOECE organized a special guest lecture “Analog Communication” on 13-10-2016 Mr. Manoj, JTO, BSNL, Madurai delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a special guest lecture “Embedded System and Robotics” on 29-07-16 Embus Technologies delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a special guest lecture “Industry Penetration of LINUX” on 08-08-16 Winways Informatics Pvt.Ltd delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a special guest lecture “Ethical Hacking Programme” on 22-08-16 Elysium Academy delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a special guest lecture “Basics of Computer Hardware” on 26-08-16 Aptech Computer Education delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a special guest lecture “Corporate Presentation and mobile communication” on 25-07-16 UTL Technologies Pvt. Ltd delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a special guest lecture “Digital Instruments” on 18.09.2015 Mr.T.Senthil, Associate Professor/ECE, Kalasalingam University delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a special guest lecture “Mind Leadership” on 19.09.2015 Dr.J.Vignesh Shankar Founder-Globe Fist Management Solutions, NLP Practitioner, Madurai delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a intra departmental technical symposium on 19th March 2015. Ms.I.Ilayaranimangammal, M.E Radio Jockey, All India Radio, Madurai, inaugurated the symposium and delivered the inaugural address
🎓 SOECE organized a Rural development Programme “Engineering and Life Skills Enhancement” from 16-03-2015 to 20-03-2015, various eminent persons delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a workshop “Antenna Design using HFSS” on 30-03-2015 & 31-03-2015 Mr.S.Santhose Kumar & Ms.S.Kalaivani,Teckera solutions, Madurai delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a Special Lecture “Opportunities in IT industries” on 13-03-2015 Ms.Meenakshi Shunmugasundaram, Project Manager, Prodapt, Chennai delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a Workshop “PIC Embedded Programming” on 11-03-2015 &12-03-2015 Mr.D.Mohan, Managing Director, Sunshiv Technology Solutions, Chennai delivered the guest lecture
🎓 SOECE organized a Seminar “Recent Research Issues in VLSI Design and Development” on 26-02-2015 & 27-02-2015 r Mr.R.Lenin Raja, Assistant Prof./ECE, Sri Vidya College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar & Ms.B.S.Aswathy,Assistant Prof./ECE, Dr.Sivanthi Adithanar College of Engineering, Tiruchendur delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a Special Lecture “360 degree perspective of a successful student” on 17-02-2015 Dr.N.Manjula,Dean-MBA, Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a Special Lecture “Career Opportunities” on 29-07-2014Mr.Paul Jimreeves,IMS Learning resources, Madurai delivered the guest lecture
🎓 SOECE organized a Special Lecture “Industry Need LINUX” on 11-08-2014 Winways Informatics Pvt. Ltd., Madurai delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a Special Lecture “Group discussion/ Personal Interview” on 15-09-2014 Mr.Sathiswaran, Manager Human Resources , Ernast and Young(EY), Chennai delivered the guest lecture
🎓 SOECE organized a Special Lecture “IP Addressing and Static Routing” on 14-08-2014 Mr.Paul Xavier, APTECH, Madurai delivered the guest lecture
🎓 SOECE organized a Special Lecture “IP Addressing and Static Routing” on 14-08-2014 Mr.Paul Xavier, APTECH, Madurai delivered the guest lecture
🎓 SOECE organized a Special Lecture “4G Technology” on 02-09-2013 Mr. Raja Duraisamy,Technology Head, 3G Network Solutions, Madurai delivered the guest lecture
🎓 SOECE organized a Special Lecture “Recent Trends in Telecommunication” on 03-09-2013 Mr.S.Radhakrishnan DGM-Consumer Mobility, BSNL, Virudhunagar delivered the guest lecture
🎓 SOECE organized a Workshop “Introduction to MATLAB and MATLAB modules” on 04-09-2013, 05-09-2013 &06-09-2013 Dr.D.Selvathy,Prof./ECE, Mepco Schlenk Engg. College, Sivakasi delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a Special Lecture “Microwave Amplifiers” on 28-10-2013 Dr.A.Thenmozhi, Associate Professor,Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a Special Lecture “Introduction to JAVA” on 29-01-2014 Mr.Jagadeeswaran, Group Head/NIIT, Madurai delivered the guest lecture
🎓 SOECE organized a seminar “Recent Advances in computer aided diagnosis of oral diseases” on 27-03-2014 & 28-03-14 Dr.A.Banumathy Associate Prof./ECE, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai Dr.Ulaganathan, M.D.S., Best Dental College, Madurai Mr.S.Athinarayanan, JRF, Amrita E-learning Lab, Amrita Viswa Vidhya peedam, Kerala delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 SOECE organized a seminar “Challenges in Remote sensing and GIS” on 25-03-2013 & 26-03-13 Dr.Alaguraja, Assistant Professor, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai Dr.Sathyabama, Assistant Professor, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai delivered the guest lecture.
🎓 Dr.S.M.Mohamed Mansoor Roomi, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai inaugurated the association activities for the academic year 2012-2013 and delivered a special lecture on 31st August 2012..
🎓 SOECE organized a Mini Project Exhibition (ERUDITE’ 12) on 23rd March 2012 and mini project exhibited the innovative ideas of young technocrats
🎓 SOECE organized an Intra Departmental Symposium (ELECTROCOGNIZANCE’ 12) on 12th March 2012.
🎓 A News letter listing the activities of the department and a Magazine (ADROIT) were released by SOECE on 12th March 2012.
🎓 SOECE in association with IETE sivakasi sub - centre organized a national level technical symposium FORSHEN’11 on 10th September 2011 . Mr.C.Stanley George,Vice President,Hexaware Technologies Ltd., Chennai inaugurated the symposium and delivered the inaugural address.
🎓 SOECE organized a Mini Project Exhibition (ERUDITE’ 11) on 19th March 2011.
🎓 SOECE organized an Intra Departmental Symposium (ELECTROCOGNIZANCE’ 11) on 21st March 2011.
🎓 A News letter and a Magazine (ADROIT) were released by SOECE on 21st March 2011.
🎓 SOECE organized a national level technical symposium FORSHEN’10 on 7th October 2010 Mrs.S.E.Rajam, General Manager, BSNL, Madurai inaugurated the symposium and delivered the inaugural address.
🎓Dr.P.Ilangovan,Professor and Head,Dept. of Environmental Remote Sensing & Cartography,Madurai Kamaraj University inaugurated the association activities for the academic year 2010-2011 and delivered a special lecture on 18th September 2010.
🎓Our student Ms.S.M.Nazia Fathima got shortlisted for Quarter-final Round - Award of Rs.15, 000/-Organized by DST & TEXAS India Innovation Design Contest 2018.
🎓>Our student Ms.S.M.NaziaFathima bagged Winner award under the DST-Lockheed Martin-Tata Trusts India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP) 2.0 - University Challenge 2019 titled “Low Cost BMD Device for Detection of Osteoporosis” under the guidance of Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Prof / ECE and Dr.M.Parisa Beham, Prof / ECE..
🎓Our students team won First prize and received a cash award of Rs.15,000/- under the Aarambam Project Contest, held at Thiagarajar Arts College on 2019, organized by Young Indian (Yi) Madurai Chapter and Native Lead Foundation under the guidance of Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Prof / ECE and Dr.M.Parisa Beham, Prof / ECE.
🎓Our Faculty Dr. M.Parisa Beham Prof / ECE Received IETE – Technomedia Award for Young Women in Engineering (2020) and received a cash prize Rs.5000.
🎓Our students team Ms. S.K.Gayathri. and Ms.M.Bharkavi Sandhiya bagged First and Consolation prize in i4C Blogathon for the project of Medirobo & WEE CARE in 2021 under the guidance of Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Prof / ECE and Dr.M.Parisa Beham, Prof / ECE
🎓Our Faculty team Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Prof / ECE and Dr.M.Parisa Beham, Prof / ECE Received a grant of Rs.2,00,000 in EDII Innovation Voucher Prgramme for their project Non invasive fetal stress monitoring Device - WEECARE at Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute in 2021
🎓Our students team Mr.S.Manobala and Mr.M.Manoj, UG Graduates, Department of ECE winning a grant of Rs.1,00,000 for their project “Femcare” in the student innovation contest TNSI 2021 at the Final pitching held at TAG Auditorium, College of Engineering, Anna University,Chennai under the guidance of Dr.R.Tamilselvi and Dr.M.Parisa Beham
🎓Our students team Mr.S.Manobala and Mr.M.Manoj, UG Graduates, Department of ECE received H-Social Creator 2021 award for their idea in Healthcare – Femcare: Wearable Prenatal Monitoring Device organized by ‘Hundai Motor India's CSR arm Hyundai Motor India Foundation’. The project mentors are Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Prof / ECE and Dr.M.Parisa Beham, Prof / ECE.
🎓Our students team Mr.S.Manobala and Mr.M.Manoj, UG Graduates, Department of ECE won first prize in ELECTROBLITZ protothan contest in 2022 for their idea in Healthcare – Femcare: Wearable Prenatal Monitoring Device under the guidance of Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Prof / ECE and Dr.M.Parisa Beham,Prof / ECE.
🎓Our Faculty team Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Prof / ECE, Dr.M.Parisa Beham, Prof / ECE and Mr.A.Nagaraj AP / ECE Received a Unnat Bharath Abiyan grant of Rs.1,00,000 for their project Liquid Waste Management at Gandhigram University,SEG.
🎓Ms.M.Kasthuri of Final year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department ,won Dr.Abdul Kalam Young Acheiver Award contest held at Chennai on 15.10.2023, for the project title of THAISEI , conducted by WORLD YOUTH FEDERATION ,Mentored by, Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Prof /ECE, Mrs.T.Ruba, AP/ ECE, Mr.A.Nagaraj AP / ECE
🎓Mr Naveen Raj R &Miss. Poojavarshini R, of Third year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won 3rd prize with Rs.15000 worth voucher in ADC 2023 design contest held at IIIT Bangalore on 11.3.2023, for the project title of Portable Kashaya Machine, Mentored by Dr.M.Parisa Beham, Prof/ECE, Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Prof /ECE, and Mrs.T.Ruba, AP/ ECE.
🎓Mr.Santhosh P, Mr.Jaya Devan J, of Third year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department receiving the Best Entry Award among 6000 submitted ideas from Sustainabillity Hackathon Challenge Organized by EDII Ahamedabad on 28th and 29th April 2023,for the project title of NEOCARE . Mentored by Dr.M.Parisa Beham, Prof/ECE, Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Prof /ECE,and Mrs.T.Ruba, AP/ ECE.
🎓Ms. Swetha N, Ms. Satiya pandiya lakshmi S & Ms. Gayathri M of second year M.E Communication Systems got 9th place in seed brain startup design contest held at Cambridge institute of technology, Bangalore on 24th January 2023, Mentored by Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Prof. & PG Head, Dr.M.Parisa Beham Prof & Head and Mr.A.Nagaraj, AP/ ECE.
🎓Ms. Vijaya Meenakshi G, Ms. Mohana Ramana K & Ms. Ramani E of second year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department got 10th place in seed brain startup design contest held at Cambridge institute of technology, Bangalore on 24th January 2023, Mentored by Dr.M.Parisa Beham Prof & Head, Ms.J.Judith AP/ECE and Ms.K.Shanmuga Priya AP/ ECE.
🎓Ms. Sweethasri J D, Mr. Mohammed Ashraf H and Mr. Mohamed Abubucker Siddiq S of third year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department got 4th place for their Idea proposal in Business Plan Contest 2k23 held on 28/01/2023 at NIT Kurukshetra, Haryana, Mentored by Dr.M. Sheik Dawood Prof/ECE, Dr.K.A. Shahul Hameed Prof/ECE, Mrs.R. Devika AP/ECE and Mrs.P. Murugeswari AP/ECE.
🎓Mr. Y. Manickam & Mr. M. Girinandha of second year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won trophy in technical events held at Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar mentored by Mrs.P.Murugeswari AP/ECE.
🎓Mr. M. Mariselvam of second year Electronics and Communication Engineering Department won trophy in non-technical events held at Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar mentored by Mrs.P.Murugeswari AP/ECE.
🎓Ms.M.Kasthuri (III year), Ms. J. Madhumitha (III year) & Ms. Sivaroshini (II year) of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department had won 2nd prize with cash award of Rs.20000 in InnovERA contest held at Excel Engineering College in Association with StartupTN on 3rd February 2023, Mentored by Dr.R.Tamilselvi Prof & PG Prog Head, Mrs.T.Ruba AP/ECE and Mrs.M.Uma Maheshwari AP/CSBS.
🎓 R Tamilselvi, Dr.M Parisa Beham, “Machine Learning Based Osteoarthritis Detection Methods in Different Imaging Modalities: A Review, Current Medical Imaging, Vol.19, Issue 4, pp 1628-1642, Dec 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2174/1573405619666230130143020
🎓 T Ruba, R Tamilselvi, Dr.M Parisa Beham, “Brain tumor segmentation in multimodal MRI images using novel LSIS operator and deep learning, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Vol.14, Issue 10, pp 13163-13177, Oct 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-022-03773-5
🎓 M Sheik Dawood, P Meenalochini, “Analysis of vital signs using remote photoplethysmography (RPPG)”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Sep 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-023-04683-w
🎓 T Ruba, R Tamilselvi, Dr.M Parisa Beham, “Brain tumor segmentation using JGate-AttResUNet–A novel deep learning approach”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol.84, Issue 2, pp 104926, Jul 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2023.104926
🎓 SM Seeni Mohamed Aliar Maraikkayar, R Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, “BIOPHYSIT: A Novel Biophysical Profile Database for Fetal Stress Measurement in High-Risk Pregnancies, Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, Vol.84, Issue 2, pp1-19, Nov 2023. https://bit.ly/3u2VbOi
🎓 Gopi V “Efficient Packet Classification of complex strings on FPGA”, Quaderns, vol. 11, Issue 8, pp. 141-144, 2023.
🎓  S.Arun Inigo ,R.Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, “A Review on Imaging Techniques and Artificial Intelligence Models for Osteoporosis Prediction”. Current Medical Imaging 10.2174/1573405620666230608091911Jun 2023.
🎓  T.Ruba,R.Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, “Segmentation of a Brain Tumour using Modified Link Net Architecture from MRI Images”. Journal of Innovative Image Processing (ISSN: 2582-4252) VOL 5(2), Pp.161-180 Jun 2023
🎓  T.R Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, “Novel Digital Filter Design for Noise Removal in Fetal Ecg Signals”.The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal VOL 17 (1), FEB 2023.
🎓  Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, “Novel Digital Filter Design for Noise Removal in Fetal Ecg Signals”.The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal VOL 17 (1), FEB 2023.
🎓  R Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, M.Pandimadevi “Performance enhancement of patch antenna using Nano composite substrate for modern wireless communication systems:”.Materials Today: Proceedings DOI:110.1016/j.matpr.2022.12.225 Jan 2023.
🎓  R Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, “Machine Learning Based Osteoarthritis Detection Methods in Different Imaging Modalities: A Review”.Current Medical Imaging DOI:10. 2174/1573405619666230130143020 Jan 2023.
🎓  SM Nazia Fathima, R Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, “A Survey on Osteoporosis Detection Methods with a Focus on X-ray and DEXA Images”. IETE Journal of Research VOL 68 (6), Pp. 4640-4664 NOV 2022.
🎓  R. Mahaveerakannan ,K.Sakthidasan Sankaran , T. Venkatesh Kanna, “An Efficient Hybrid Group Key Management for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles MBN in Wireless Network Environment”.Security and Communication Networks Volume, Oct-2022, ArticleID 6000375,4 October 2022 23 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/6000375.
🎓  Sathish Kumar, Leo L Megalan, S Sivakumar, T Venkateshkanna,”Comparative Analysis on Sediment Classification using Convolutional Neural Network”, IEEE Xplore: 27 February 2023,DOI: 10.1109/ICPECTS56089.2022.10046986.
🎓  B.Gopi ,J.Rajalakshmi , G.Sugitha ,”A novel design of recta‐tri substrate integrated waveguide antenna for ultra‐wideband applications “ Microwave optical Technology Letters - MOTL Wiley , vol. 65, no. 2, pp.663-67 , 26th Nov 2022,DOI: 10.1002/mop.33534.
🎓  Rajalakshmi J, Dr.SivaRanjani S , Sugitha G, Prabanand S.C., ‘Electroencephalogram Data AnalysedThroughthe Lens of Machine Learning to Detect Signs of Epilepsy’– IEEE Explore,DOI: 10.1109/ICIRCA54612.2022.9985641, 29thDecebmber2022.
🎓  M Sivabharathy, BM Praveen, PS Aithal, M Sheik Dawood, A Senthilkumar, K Ramachandran, “Sequencing and identification TOF-SIMS analysis on D9 alloy”,AIP Conference Proceedings,Vol.2518(1),pp 020001,Sep 2022
🎓  M Sivabharathy, BM Praveen, PS Aithal, M Sheik Dawood, A Senthilkumar, K Ramachandran,”Thermal expansion studies on D9 alloy”, AIP Conference Proceedings,Vol.2518(1),pp 050001,Sep 2022.
🎓  S Nazarath Begam, M Sivabharathy, A Ayeshamariam, M Sheik Dawood, SH Mohamed Ameen, “Analysis on computational and ocular criteria of (NH2CH2COOH) 3. H2SO4 crystals” AIP Conference Proceedings,Vol.2518(1),pp 020002,Sep 2022.
🎓  M Sivabharathy, BM Praveen, PS Aithal, M Sheik Dawood, A Senthilkumar, K Ramachandran, “Microstructure evaluation and thermal properties of fourth generation reactor materials–Modified 9Cr-1Mo steel”, AIP Conference Proceedings,Vol.2518(1),pp 050004,Sep 2022.
🎓  J Dhana Sony, CS Sundar Ganesh, R Bhavani, R Abdul Sikkandar, N Sathiyanathan, “Nanobots: Uploading the human brain”AIP Conference Proceedings,Vol.2518(1),pp 050002,Sep 2022.
🎓  R Abdul Sikkandhar, S Amalorpava Mary Rajee, P Selvaprasanth, G Swathika, “Design of spider web spaced antenna for medical applications”,AIP Conference Proceedings,Vol.2518(1),pp 060005,Sep 2022.
🎓  B Deepa, C Sujatha, T Guru Baskar, A Manoj Prabaharan, B Michael Vinoline Rinoj, B Syed Ali Fathima, “An adaptive scheduling based communication in 5G network”,AIP Conference Proceedings,Vol.2518(1),pp 060002,Sep 2022.
🎓  P Sakthi, R Bhavani, D Arulselvam, R Karthick, S Selvakumar, M Sudhakar, “Energy efficient cluster head selection and routing protocol for WSN”,AIP Conference Proceedings,Vol.2518(1),pp 060001,Sep 2022.
🎓  Ameena Banu Mustafa, Tamilselvi Rajendran, “Wearable multilayer patch antenna with electromagnetic band gap structure for public safety systems, IETE Journal of Research, Vol 68(4), pp 2979-2988, Jul 2022.
🎓  R. Tamilselvi, M. Parisa Beham, “Brain tumour cell segmentation and detection using deep learning networks” IET Image Processing , Aug 2021, Vol. 15(10) pp.2363-2371
🎓  P.Vasuki, “Fundus image lesion detection algorithm for diabetic retinopathy screening”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Jul 2021 Vol. 15(10) pp.7407-70416.
🎓  R Karthick, M Sheik Dawood, A Manoj Prabaharan, P Selvaprasanth, “Adhaar: A Reliable Data Hiding Techniques With (Nnp2) Algorithmic Approach Using X-Ray Images” 3C technologia, Nov 2021, pp.597-607.
🎓 Uma Maheswari Pandyan, Banumathi Arumugam, Ulaganathan Gurunathan, Shahul Hameed KA, “Automatic localization of inferior alveolar nerve canal in panoramic dental images”,Signal, Image and Video Processing,,pp 1-9 ,Jan 2022.
🎓 T Ruba, R Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, “Brain tumor segmentation in multimodal MRI images using novel LSIS operator and deep learning”,Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pp 1-15, Feb 2022.
🎓 M Sivabharathy, N Lenin, R Rajesh Kanna, M SheikDawood, A Senthilkumar, “Effect on lotus leaf for dielectric applications”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol 49,pp 2048-2051.
🎓  Dr. R .Karthick, Dr. M Sheik Dawood, Mr. A.Manoj Prabaharan, Mr. P.Selvaprasanth, "Adhaar: A Reliable Data Hiding Techniques With (Nnp2) Algorithmic Approach Using X-Ray Images." 3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143, Pp .507-609, Nov 2021.
🎓  Dr.M Sheik Dawood, “ Effect on lotus leaf for dielectric applications” , Materials Today: Proceedings Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.08.224, Sep 2021.
🎓  Dr.P Vasuki, “Fundus image lesion detection algorithm for diabetic retinopathy screening” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Vol 12, pp.7407–7416, Jul 2021.
🎓  Dr.M Sheik Dawood, “Study on Second and Third Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Triglycine Sulpho Succinate Single Crystals”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol. 25, Issue 5, 2021, pp. 1549 – 1561, May 2021.
🎓  Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Dr.M.Parisa Beham, “Brain tumour cell segmentation and detection using deep learning networks”, IET Image Processing, Vol. 15 Issue 10 pp. 2363-2371, Apr 2021.
🎓  Dr.M Sheik Dawood, Dr.R Karthick, “Performance analysis of efficient video transmission using EvalSVC, EvalVid-NT, EvalVid”, Materials Today: Proceedings Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.02.287, Mar 2021.
🎓   R Johny Elton,J Mohanalin, P Vasuki, “A novel voice activity detection algorithm using modified global thresholding”,          International Journal of Speech Technology,Mar 2021, Vol. 24(1) pp.127-142.
🎓   KA Shahul Hameed,KA Shaheer Abubacker, A Banumathi, G Ulaganathan, “Immunohistochemical analysis of oral cancer tissue images using support vector machine, Measurement Mar2021, Vol.173 pp.108476.
🎓   M Sheik Dawood, S Sakena Benazer, N Nanthini, R Devika, R Karthick , “Design of rectenna for wireless sensor networks, Materials Today: Proceedings Jan 2021,
🎓   S Sakena Benazer, M Sheik Dawood, Sulochanan Karthick Ramanathan, G Saranya, “Efficient model for IoT based railway crack detection system” , Materials Today: Proceedings Jan 2021
🎓   P Vasuki, A Shakin Banu, S Mohamed Mansoor Roomi, G Maragatham, “Efficient Target Detection and Classification of SAR Images Using Z-Buffer Convolutional Neural Networks”, Smart Trends in Computing and Communications: Proceedings of SmartCom Jan 2021, pp. 449-458
🎓   M Pandimadevi, R Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, “Design and simulation of flexible jute antenna with performance validation on bending and soaking conditions, Textile Research Journal , Jan 2021, Vol . 91(1-2) pp.219-231.
🎓   MSheik Dawood, SSakena Benazer,SKV Saravanan, V Karthik , “ Energy efficient distance based clustering protocol for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks” Materials Today: Proceedings Elsevier DEC 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.11.339.
🎓   S Sakena Benazer, M Sheik Dawood, G Suganya, Sulochanan Karthick Ramanathan,, “Performance analysis of modified on-demand multicast routing protocol for MANET using non forwarding nodes”, Materials Today: Proceedings Elsevier DEC 2020.
🎓   M Parisa Beham, V Kalaiarasi, A Ishwarya Lakshmi, V Harrini, D Vaithiyanathan,, “Dual loop control for single phase PWM inverter for distributed generation”, Materials Today Proceedings Elsevier Dec 2020.
🎓   T Ruba, R Tamilselvi, M ParisaBeham, N Aparna ,“Accurate classification and detection of brain cancer cells in MRI and CT images using nano contrast agents”, Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal Sep 2020 Vol. 13(3) pp. 1227-1237.
🎓   R Karthick, R Ramkumar, Muhammad Akram, M Vinoth Kumar, , “Overcome the challenges in bio-medical instruments using IOT–A review, Materials Today Proceedings Elsevier Sep 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.08.420
🎓  P Sabarish, R Karthick, A Sindhu, N Sathiyanathan , “Investigation on performance of solar photovoltaic fed hybrid semi impedance source converters, Materials Today Proceedings Elsevier Sep 2020.
🎓   P Sabarish, L Hubert Tony Raj, G Ramprakash, R Karthick, “An Energy Efficient Microwave Based Wireless Solar Power Transmission System, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Sep 2020 Vol. 937(1). doi:10.1088/1757-899X/937.
🎓   T Venish Kumar, NB Balamurugan,“Three-dimensional analytical modeling for small-geometry AlInSb/AlSb/InSb double-gate high-electron-mobility transistors (DG-HEMTs), Journal of Computational Electronics Sep 2020, Vol. 9(3) pp. 1107-1115.
🎓  J mozhi, P Vasuki, S Md Mansoor Roomi, , “Fundus image lesion detection algorithm for diabetic retinopathy screening, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Aug 2020,pp. 1-10.
🎓   SM Nazia Fathima, R Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, “A Survey on Osteoporosis Detection Methods with a Focus on X-ray and DEXA Images, IETE Journal of Research,Aug 2020.
🎓  A Shakin Banu, P Vasuki, S Md Mansoor Roomi, “Target detection in SAR images using Bayesian Saliency and Morphological attribute profiles, Computer Communications, Jul 2020 Vol.160 pp. 738-748.
🎓   SM Nazia Fathima, R Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, ,“DEXSIT-v2: Database for the Detection of Fracture Risk Condition,Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, Jun 2020 Vol. 13(2) pp. 673-677.
🎓  Ameena Banu Mustafa, Tamilselvi Rajendran, ,“Wearable multilayer patch antenna with electromagnetic band gap structure for public safety systems, IETE Journal of Research Mar 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2020.1739572
🎓   S Mohamed Mansoor M. Fathu Nisha ,P. Vasuki, Roomi, ,“Fabric Defect Detection Using the Sensitive Plant Segmentation Algorithm, FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, Jan 2020 Vol. 28(3) pp. 84-88.
🎓   SM Nazia Fathima, R Tamilselvi, M Parisa Beham, D Sabarinathan,,“Diagnosis of osteoporosis using modified U-net architecture with attention unit in DEXA and X-ray images”, Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology,Jan 2020 Vol. 25(5) pp. 953-973.
🎓  M Ameena Banu, R Tamilselvi, M Rajalakshmi, M Pooja Lakshmi, , “IoT-based Wearable Micro-Strip Patch Antenna with Electromagnetic Band Gap Structure for Gain Enhancement, Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies, Jan 2020, pp. 1379-1396.
🎓   Kanimozhi J, Vasuki P, Mansoor Roomi S, Ganesh babu L,, “Fundus Image Quality Assessment through Analysis of illumination, Naturalness, and Structure level,” Sprimger lecture notes December 2019.
🎓   Glory Sujitha A, Vasuki P, Mansoor Roomi S, ,“Random Field Ayed Model Segmentation Along with Google Net Classification” IJRTE journal December 2019.
🎓  Fathu Nisha M, Vasuki P, Ganesh babu L, Mohamed Mansoor Roomi S, “Fabric defect detection using sensitive plant segmentation algoritham” Industria textile Journal, December 2019.
🎓  S.M.Nazia Fathima, R.Tamilselvi and M.Parisa Beham ,“Evaluation of Fracture Risk Condition using Bone Mineral Content and Standard Deviation”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol.8(8), pp.899-902, August 2019.
🎓  R.Karthick, M.Sheik Dawood, P.Selvaprasanth,A.Manoj Prabaharan,“A Dumb-Bell Shaped Damper with Magnetic Absorber using Ferrofluids” Internatinal Jouranal of Recent Technology and Engineering, December 2019.
🎓  R.Karthick, M.Sheik Dawood, P.Selvaprasanth, A.Manoj Prabaharan , “ADHAAR: A reliable Data Hiding techniques with (NNP2) Algorithmic Approachusing Rayimages” 3 C tecnologia, December 2019.
🎓  R.Karthick, , “Data communication and networking concepts in User Datagram Protocol (UDP)” Internatinal Jouranal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol.8 Issue 5, January 2020
🎓  Shakin Banu A, Vasuki P,Ganesh Babu Loganathan, Srinivasa Raman V, Yusuf Khan A , “Saparse Representation Based Despeckling of SAR Images using STDTCWT” ICRTCCNT August 2019.
🎓  Fathu Nisha M, Vasuki P, Ganesh babu L, Mohamed Mansoor Roomi S,, Contrast Enhancement of Fabric Images Using Adaptive Intensity Transformation” ICRTCCNT August 2019.
🎓  S.M.Seeni Mohamed Aliar Maraikkayar, R.Tamilselvi, A. Sabah Afroze, M.Parisa Beham, K.Rajakumar, “Electrophysiological analysis of Agony and Consciousness in Comatose”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Vol.8, Issue-6,pp.4256-4259, August 2019.
🎓 M.Pandima devi, R.Tamilselvi and M. Parisa Beham, “Design Issues of Flexible Antenna -A Review”, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 8(4),pp.1386-1394,July 2019.
🎓  A.SabahAfroze, M.Parisa Beham, R.Tamilselvi, S. M. Seeni Mohamed AliarMaraikkayar, “Age invariant face recognition using Frangi2D binary pattern”, ACM Digital Library, pp.8-13, July 2019.
🎓   S.M.Nazia Fathima,R.Tamilselvi and M.Parisa Beham , “Estimation of T-score and BMD values from X-ray images for detection of osteoporosis”, ACM Digital Library, pp.220-224, July 2019.
🎓  S.M.Nazia Fathima,R.Tamilselvi and M.Parisa Beham , “XSITRAY: A Database for the Detection of Osteoporosis Condition, Biomedical and Pharmacology journal, Volume.12 Issue 1,2019.pp.267-271,July 2019.
🎓  Fathima S. M. N, Tamil Selvi R, Beham M. P , “Assessment of BMD and Statistical Analysis for Osteoporosis Detection”. Biomed Pharmacol J August 2019;Vol.12(4).
🎓   M.AnnaLakshmi, M.Parisa Beham, ,“Estimation of Face Pose Orientation Using Model-Based Approach”, Springer Nature, pp.61-70, Jan 2019.
🎓  T.Venish Kumar, N.B. Balamurugan, ,“Analytical modeling of InSb/AlInSb heterostructure dual gate high electronmobility transistors” Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ), Elsevier, Vol. 94 pp.19-25, June 2018.
🎓  R.Sivaranjani,“Speckle noise removal in SAR images using Multi-Objective PSO (MOPSO) algorithm”,Applied Soft computing journal,Vol.76, pp.671-681, Mar 2019.
🎓  Indira NR,,“Back Radiation Reduction in Jean’s Slot Patch Antenna Using Reflector”, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, June 2019
🎓  K.A.Shahul Hameed ,““A simple multi-feature Based Stereoscopic Medical Image Retrieval System”, The Journal of Polish Society of Medical physics, Vol.25, pp.127-130, June 2019.
🎓  M.Pandima devi, R.Tamilselvi, A.Sabah AfrozeM.ParisaBeham,,“Design of flexible slot Antenna using different substrate materials for UWB Application” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Vol.8, pp.894-898, June 2019.
🎓  M.Ameena Banu, R.Tamilselvi ,“An Effective Design of Wearable Antenna with Double Flexible Substrates and Defected Ground Structure for Healthcare Monitoring System”, Journal of Medical Systems Springer, Vol.43(7), pp.186, May 2019.
🎓  S.Amalorpava Mary Rajee, A.Merline, ,“A Survey on Modeling and Coverage Analysis of Heterogeneous Network”,International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol.8, pp.524-531, May 2019.
🎓  S.M.Nazia Fathima, R.Tamilselvi, M.Parisa Beham,,“XSITRAY: A Database for the Detection of Osteoporosis Condition”, Biomedical and Pharmacology journal, Vol.12, pp.267-271, March 2019.
🎓  S.M.Seeni Mohamed Aliar Maraikkayar, R.Tamilselvi, M.ParisaBeham, A.SabahAfroze, ,“Performance and Statistical Analysis of Chaotic Random Bit Generator”, International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol.8, pp.83-92, March 2019.
🎓  A.Sabah Afroze,M.Sheik Dawood ,“Spider Web based Effective Localization Algorithm for WSN SSRG”, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, pp.43-47, March 2019.
🎓  M.Sheik Dawood,M.Jehosheba Margaret, ,"C.Yesubai Rubavathi “Armored Modular and Non-Modular Vehicle: A Survey” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Vol.8, pp.489-496, February 2019.
🎓  R.Tamilselvi,M.Parisa Beham,A.Merline,V.Parthasarathy,“Detection and Classification of Exudates and Non-exudates in Retinal Images “, Springer Nature, pp.3-14, Jan 2019.
🎓  M.Parisa Beham, R.Tamilselvi,A.Nagaraj, , “Accurate Classification of Cancer in Mammogram Images” , Springer Nature, pp.71-77, Jan 2019
🎓  R.Tamilselvi, M.Parisa Beham,,“Performance Analysis of Nanoparticles in Healthcare and Biomedical Applications”, Springer Nature, pp.15-22, Jan 2019.
🎓  A.Muthukrishnan, ,“Internet of image things- discrete wavelet transform and Gabor wavelet transform based image enhancement resolution technique for IoT satellite applications” , Elsevier (Cognitive system Research), Vol.57, pp. 46-53,October 2018
🎓  P.Deepa,A.Merline, ,“Energy efficient solution for green cellular network – A survey” International journal of Electronics and communication engineering, Vol.9(5), pp. 1-16, September 2018.
🎓  Meena Prakash R, ,“Edge Preserving Image Segmentation using spatially constrained EM algorithm”, International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol.15(5), pp.927-933, September 2018.
🎓  T.Ruba, R.Tamilselvi, M.Parisa Beham,“,“Performance Analysis of Various Nanocontrast agents and CAD systems for Different Types of Cancer Diagnosis” Current Medical Imaging Reviews, pp. 1-21, September 2018.
🎓  Meena Prakash R, ,“Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making: Classification of Histopathological Images Based on Deep Learning Model” ,Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making. IGI Global, pp.139-153, August 2018
🎓  The department has 36 faculty members among them 10 of our faculty members are holding Doctoral Degree and 17 of our faculty members are pursuing their Ph.D Programme in Anna University.
🎓   The department has organized International conference and received funds from AICTE, ICMR, DST and DRDO for organizing National level Conferences, Seminars and Workshops. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has been recognized as Research Center by Anna University, Chennai from 2015. The Department has well equipped R&D laboratory for Image Processing, Networking and VLSI Design with higher end machines and latest software. Dr M Parisa Beham, Dr.R.Tamilselvi , Dr.K.A.Shahul Hameed and Dr.M.Fathu Nisha of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering are recognized as supervisors by Anna University. 24 faculty members from various institutions and including our institution are pursuing their Ph.D degree in Anna University under our research centre.
• Signal and Image Processing
i.Healthcare Devices
Our research focuses mainly on the transfer of basic research ideas to private biomedical companies and vice versa. We mainly carry out R & D on healthcare instruments as required by indigenous industry and healthcare needs. In addition we are working on the fetal health care and maternal health care. We are concentrating more on the Development of commercial prototype of healthcare devices and Undertake R & D services & product validation from healthcare industries. We are working on various imaging modalities for the analysis of pathlogical condition in the area of orthopedics, cancer and other emerging areas
ii.5G Communication Technology
In recent years 5G plays important role in cellular communication. To consider the environmental condition, the effect of CO2 emission and power reduction of mobile base stations can be reduced by switching off small cell networks. Heterogeneous Networks (HetNet) refer to a complex eco system of radio cells with varying coverage ranges and technologies that interoperate to deliver the required capacity and coverage. The primary objective of heterogeneous networks is to improve coverage and capacity over traditional cell deployment models like macro, micro, or pico cells.
By using spectrum sharing technique, the secondary users are allowed to access the spectrum holes and efficiently share the spectrum holes among the secondary users. Securing the primary users from malicious attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks by using Block chains
• Wireless Sensor Networks and IOT
i.Smart Agriculture
Smart Agriculture is an emerging concept that refers to managing farms using modern Information and Communication Technologies to increase the quantity and quality of products while optimizing the human labor required. Sensors: soil, water, light, humidity, temperature management
To develop an IoT based projects for smart farming and monitoring
ii. Home Automation
Home automation is a network of hardware, communication, and electronic interfaces that work to integrate everyday devices with one another via the Internet. Each device has sensors and is connected through WiFi, so you can manage them from your smart phone or tablet whether you're at home, or miles away.
To develop an IoT based projects for smart Home automation
• Embedded system Design & VLSI
There is a demand of ultra-low power devices, the continuous shrinking happen in the dimensions and devices are entered into Nano scale regions. To achieve improvement in the device performance existing MOSFETs enables new technology in the material and device structure. The development of compound semiconductor material technology, which can prominently benefits of ultra-low power with high-speed switching devices for wireless communications. So the device modelling is more and prominent area in the field of analogue VLSI
• Antenna Design
An Antenna plays a vital role in communication systems. It is capable of Radiating and Receiving Electromagnetic waves. For proper functioning of communication device, it is necessary to improve the performance of the antenna by changing its dielectric constant of the substrate material
🎓Ms.K.Krishnaveni, Dr.S.SivaRanjani, ”A Comparative study about improving accuracy in Big Data”, Journal of Data mining and knowledge Engineering,2018.
🎓Dr.S.Ramesh, ”Protected reliable routing for MANET using bees algorithm”,TAGA Journal,vol14,2241-2253,2018.
🎓Ms.D.RojaRamani, Dr.S.SivaRanjani, ”U-Net based segmentation and multiple feature extraction of dermascopic images for efficient diagnosis of melanoma”, Advances in Intelligent systems and computing,2018.
🎓Ms.R.Rachel, Dr.S.Sridevi, ”An Efficient Approach for Facial Recognition based on AAM and CNN”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2018.
🎓Ms.D.Rojaramani, Dr. S.Siva Ranjani, M.s. G. Rajalakshmi, “A succinct study and analysis of smart manufacturing: IOT is driving the next industrial revolution”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 8, Issue 12, Dec2018.
🎓Ms. G. Rajalakshmi, Dr. S.SivaRanjani, “An Emerging statistical analysis for solving big data problems using R tool”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Vol5, Issue 4, 2018.
🎓Dr.S.Jenicka, “Cashews whole and splits classification using a novel machine vision approach”, Postharvest Biology and Technology, Elsevier, 138, 19-30, 2018
🎓Dr.S.Jenicka,”A Survey paper on Buildings extraction from remotely sensed images”,Special issue published in International journal of trend in research and development ISSN:2394-9333,Sep 2017
🎓Ms.Swapna,”Innovative Air Pollution Monitoring with Sensor Controlled Wireless Communication”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.8 ,Issue 47 ,April 2018
🎓Ms.D.RojaRamani,” A Comprehensive study and Analysis of Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning Techniques”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and Engineering (IJARMATE) Vol. IV, Issue IV, April 2018
🎓Ms.M.M.Yamunadevi, Dr.SivaRanjani, ”Prediction of Lung Carcinoma” Journal of Bio-Medical & Instrumentation Engineering, Volume 3 Issue 1,Mantech Publications.
🎓Ms.M.M.Yamunadevi, Dr.S.SivaRanjani , ”Data Analysis of Lung Cancer using K-means Clustering in Image Processing” International conference on Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 01-03, Feb 2018
🎓Ms.G.Rajalakshmi, Dr.S.SivaRanjani, ”An Emerging Statistical analysis for solving big data problems using R Tool” International conference on Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 01-03, Feb 2018
🎓Dr.S.Jenicka ,”Identification of split and whole cashew nuts based on machine vision”, ASABE International meeting” DOI: https//doi.org/10.13031/aim.20701246, 16th & 19th July 2017
🎓Ms.M.M.Yamunadevi, Dr.SivaRanjani ,Data Analysis of Lung Cancer using K-means Clustering in Image Processing,International conference on Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 01-03, Feb 2018
🎓Ms.R. Sumitha, Dr. M.Malathi,” Grouping of students based on analysis of learning outcome using data mining techniques” International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓Dr. S. Sivaranjani,”Security and Log Management in Cloud Computing”, National Conference on Innovative Technologies in Computer and Communication (ITC-2018), Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai, April 2018.
🎓Ms.K.Krishnaveni, Dr.S.SivaRanjani,” A Comparative Study about Improving Accuracy in Big Data“,International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓Dr.B.BenSujitha, .Mrs.D.RojaRamani,” An Integrated approach of Intrusion Detection System using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization with Support Vector Machine Classification Algorithm”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓Ms.P.PabithaMuthu, Dr. S. Sivaranjani,” Survey on Land Use Classification of Remote Sensing Satellite Imaginaries” International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓Dr. S. Sivaranjani ,Mrs.J.Rajalakshmi,” Unique evolution in Internet of things”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓Ms.Rajaragavi, Dr.A.Padma,” A novel approach of histogram based segmentation techniques for brain tumor detection “,International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓Mr.Karthik V , Ms. Swapna P,” Air pollution alert with sensor controlled wireless communication”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓Mr.Karthik V , Ms. Swapna P,” Secure storage and deuduplicating data for iaas cloud with optimized task scheduling”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓Ms.D.RojaRamani, Mr.R.Manoj Kumar," Mobile application for real time identification of crops, weeds, diseases and pest damage, nutrient deficiency symptoms", International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓Ms.G.Rajalakshmi, Ms.R.Anusha, Ms. D.Anushiya, Ms.R.Rajalakshmi," Women’s helpline android application", International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓Mr.M.Prabhananthakumar , Ms.M.Sudharshni,MS.P.Geetha ,"Smart Parking Application", International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓Mr.S.V.K.Muthukumar, Mr.G.Sivakumar, "Multimodal fusion of brain imaging data for diagnosis", International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓 Dr.S.Ramesh, Mr.R.ReevesRuban, Mr.S.Jeyaprakash, Mr.G. Balaji, "Computerized application for paperless examination screening system for recruitment" International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓 Ms.M.M.YamunaDevi, Ms.G.SalaiThillaiNayaki, Ms.S.Aishwarya, Ms.J.Muthu YuvaRajeshwari," Mobile Location Based Student Attendance",International Conference on Computational Intelligence, April 2018
🎓 Ms.V.SuthaJebakumari, Dr.D.Shanthi, Dr.S.Sridevi, Ms.P.Meha," Performance evaluation of various classification algorithms for the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease", IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization and Signal Processing (INCOS), 2017.
🎓 Ms.C. Seelammal, Ms.K. Vimala Devi, "Multi-criteria decision support for feature selection in network anomaly detection system", International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies Jan 2018, Vol. 10, Issue 3, pp. 334-350.
🎓Dr.T.JoshvaDevadas, Mr.R.Rajaguru, Ms.S.Subbulakshmi,"Intelligent Assistive System for the visually impaired", International Journal of applied engineering research,ISSN 0973-4562 Vol 9,2014
🎓Dr.S.Siva Ranjani,Ms.M.M.YamunaDevi, ”Design and Implementation of Secure Data
🎓Ms.Seelammal.C,Ms.VimalaDevi.K, "Hadoop based feature selection and Decision making models on big data",International Conference on Developments in Science, Management and Engineering,IOSRD, 14th & 15th April 2017
🎓Ms.N.Nithya, "Cognitive Vision Based Minimization of Correspondence Error by Shear Analysis for Outdoor Robot Maps in Navigation" IEEE International conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems , 3 & 4 March-2017.
Internet of things is an idea from computer science: connecting ordinary things like lights and doors to a computer network to make them "intelligent". An embedded system or a computer connects each thing together in a network and to the internet. Some technologies used for the internet of things are: RFid and meshnets. The connections allow each thing to collect and exchange data, and we can control them remotely or by setting rules or chains of actions. IoT improves the ease of life of humans and their daily activities. Experts estimate that the IoT will consist of almost 50 billion objects by 2020.
Image processing is a method to perform some operations on an image, in order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. It is a type of signal processing in which input is an image and output may be image or characteristics/features associated with that image. Nowadays, image processing is among rapidly growing technologies. It forms core research area within engineering and computer science disciplines too.
Image processing basically includes the following three steps:
• Importing the image via image acquisition tools;
• Analysing and manipulating the image;
• Output in which result can be altered image or report that is based on image analysis.
Big Data Analytics offers a nearly endless source of business and informational insight, that can lead to operational improvement and new opportunities for companies to provide unrealized revenue across almost every industry. From use cases like customer personalization, to risk mitigation, to fraud detection, to internal operations analysis, and all the other new use cases arising near-daily, the Value hidden in company data has companies looking to create a cutting-edge analytics operation.
Discovering value within raw data poses many challenges for IT teams. Every company has different needs and different data assets. Business initiatives change quickly in an ever-accelerating marketplace, and keeping up with new directives can require agility and scalability. On top of that, a successful Big Data Analytics operation requires enormous computing resources, technological infrastructure, and highly skilled personnel.
Wireless Communication is the fastest growing and most vibrant technological areas in the communication field. Wireless Communication is a method of transmitting information from one point to other, without using any connection like wires, cables or any physical medium.
Generally, in a communication system, information is transmitted from transmitter to receiver that are placed over a limited distance. With the help of Wireless Communication, the transmitter and receiver can be placed anywhere between few meters (like a T.V. Remote Control) to few thousand kilometres (Satellite Communication).
We live in a World of communication and Wireless Communication, in particular is a key part of our lives. Some of the commonly used Wireless Communication Systems in our day – to – day life are: Mobile Phones, GPS Receivers, Remote Controls, Bluetooth Audio and Wi-Fi etc.
DESIGNATION : Associate Professor
QUALIFICATION :A.M.I.E (ECE), M.E. (Applied Electronics), Ph.D
EMAIL ID : parisabeham@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 06.11.2017
Book Chapters Published :5
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year 1997.The department offers a 4-year B.E program, a 2-year M.E program in Communication System (since 2006) and a Ph.D program. The department has a structured curriculum that moulds the students into industry-ready professionals. Highly efficient faculties provide trailblazing education that helps the students think out of the box. The faculties and students have won many laurels for their active contribution towards research and development both within and outside the college.
The department has 39 faculty members among them; 12 of our faculty members are holding Doctoral Degree and 17 of our faculty members are pursuing their Ph.D Programme in Anna University. The department has organized International conferences and received funds from AICTE, ICMR, DST and DRDO for organizing National level Conferences, Seminars and Workshops. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has been recognized as Research Center by Anna University, Chennai from 2015. The Department has well equipped Centre of Excellence in Signal & image Processing, Centre of Excellence in Antenna Design , Networking and VLSI Design Labs with higher end machines and latest software. Dr M Parisa Beham, Dr.R.Tamilselvi ,Dr.K.A.Shahul Hameed and Dr.M.Fathu Nisha of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering are recognized as supervisors by Anna University. 24 faculty members from various institutions and including our institution are pursuing their Ph.D degree in Anna University under our research centre.
NAME: Dr.R.Tamilselvi
DESIGNATION : Professor & Dean (BME,BT,CH)
EMAIL ID : tamilselvi@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 25.07.2013
Book Chapters Published :4
Communication is the fastest growing segment of the industry. It has experienced exponential growth over the last decade. The explosive growth of Communication Systems suggests a bright future for Communication Engineering field. This PG programme is an advanced level course in the field of Communication Engineering offering a specialization in terms of technology and applications to fulfill the requirements of the industry.
DESIGNATION : Professor & Head of the Department
QUALIFICATION :A.M.I.E (ECE), M.E. (Applied Electronics), Ph.D
EMAIL ID : parisabeham@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 06.11.2017
Book Chapters Published :5
Professor & Head of the Department
NAME: Dr.R.Tamilselvi
DESIGNATION : Professor & Dean (BME,BT,CH)
EMAIL ID : tamilselvi@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 25.07.2013
Book Chapters Published :4
Professor & Dean (BME,BT,CH)
NAME:Dr. M.Sheik Dawood
EMAIL ID :sheikdawood@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 12.07.1999
Book Published : 2
NAME:Dr.K.A.Shahul Hameed
EMAIL ID : ashkars@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 16.06.2017
Book Chapters Published :NIL
NAME:Dr.S. Mohana Lakshmi
DESIGNATION : Professor and Dean (S&H)
EMAIL ID :deansh@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID :jaimohana1973@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 18-12-2023
Book Published : 1
Professor and Dean (S&H)
DESIGNATION :Associate professor
EMAIL ID :pandimadeviece@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 15.06.2011
Book Chapters Published :0
Associate professor
NAME: Dr.M.Fathu Nisha
DESIGNATION : Associate Professor
EMAIL ID :nishahameed2016@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 03.01.2018
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Associate professor
EMAIL ID :jrajalakshmi@sit.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:lakshmijeyapal@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 07.11.2022
RESEARCH FOCUS:Antenna, Computer Networks, ,AI
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Antenna , Cyber security, Wireless Communication
Book Chapters Published :2
Associate professor
EMAIL ID :Maha.lakshmi@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:Maha.lakshmijun26@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 22.01.2024
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Communication systems - Analog & Digital communication, Optical Communication, Electron device
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Associate professor
EMAIL ID :kavithav@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:kavishan.asmi@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 19.02.24
RESEARCH FOCUS:IoT, Renewable energy, Embedded System, Wireless sensor Networks,
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Digital System Design, Wireless Communication, Internet of Things, Embedded & Real-time systems
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Associate professor
NAME:Mr.R.Abdul Sikkandhar
DESIGNATION :AssistantProfessor
EMAIL ID : abdulsikkandharece@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 29.01.2007
Book Chapters Published :1
Assistant professor
NAME: Mrs.P.Deepa
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID :deepaece@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 05.07.2008
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
NAME: Mr.D.John Pragasam
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID :johnpragasamece@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 03.01.2011
Book Chapters Published :1
Assistant professor
NAME: Ms.R.Devika
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID :devika@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 15.06.2011
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
NAME: Mrs.G.Ramu priya
DESIGNATION :Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID : ramupriyaece@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 20-07-12
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant Professor
NAME: Mr.Michael Vinoline Rinoj.B
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID : michaelece@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 12.06.2013
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
NAME: Mrs.P.Murugeswari
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID :murugeswariece@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 06.01.2014
RESEARCH FOCUS:Wireless communication, IoT
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:- Communication Theory, Signals and Systems, Wireless Communication
Book Chapters Published :-
Assistant professor
NAME:Mr.A.Manoj Prabaharan
DESIGNATION :Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID : manojprabaharanece@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 01.06.2016
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant Professor
NAME: Mr.P.Selvaprasanth
DESIGNATION :Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID :selvaprasanthapece@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 01.06.2016
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant Professor
NAME: Mr.A.Nagaraj
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID : nagaraj.a@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 03.01.2018
Book Chapters Published :1
Assistant professor
NAME: Mr.N.Sathiyanathan
DESIGNATION :Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID : sathiyanathanme@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 03.01.2018
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant Professor
NAME: Mr.S.Selvakumar
DESIGNATION :Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID :selvakumar16484@sethu.ac.in
DATE OF JOINING : 27.05.2019
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant Professor
EMAIL ID :shakinbanu@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:Shakinbanu.a@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 22-02-21
RESEARCH FOCUS:Digital image processing
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Microprocessor and Microcontroller,Optical Communication & Network, Linear Integrated Circuits
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
EMAIL ID :ruba@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:rubasuresh20@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 03-03-2021
RESEARCH FOCUS:Digital Image Processing & Biomedical Engineering
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Digital Image Processing, Electronic Devices, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
NAME:Ms.A.Jansi Rani
EMAIL ID :vigneshwari@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:vickyshasathish@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 25.02.2022
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
UNIQUE ID:fd4108
EMAIL ID :janarthanan@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:Janarthanans83@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 29.06.2022
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
UNIQUE ID:fd4107
EMAIL ID :ramyas@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:ramyasamdra@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 29.06.2022
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
UNIQUE ID:fd4110
EMAIL ID :judith@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:judith15071997@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 29.06.2022
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
NAME:Ms.K.Shanmuga Priya
UNIQUE ID:fd4109
EMAIL ID :shanmugapriya@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:priya3abishek@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 29.06.2022
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Biomedical Image Processing
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
EMAIL ID :muthuraja@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:rajamuthu526@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 07.11.2022
RESEARCH FOCUS:Embedded Systems
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Electro Magnetic Fields,Micro Controller And Micro Processor
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
EMAIL ID :maheswari@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:Maheswari.ece27@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 17.04.2023
RESEARCH FOCUS:Image Processing, Embedded System
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Image Processing, Embedded System
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
EMAIL ID :lakshmirman@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:lakssubbu91@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 07-08-2023
RESEARCH FOCUS:Antenna and VLSI Design
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-VLSI Design,Electronic Devices,Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
EMAIL ID :antonnyraj@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:antonnyraj@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 20/09/2023
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Electronic circuits, Digital electronics, Microprocessor and Microcontrollers, Communication systems
Book Chapters Published :1
Assistant professor
EMAIL ID :arunece@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:arunece0986@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 16.11.2023
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Communication Systems
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
NAME:Ms.S.Jannathul prithus
EMAIL ID :jannathulprithus@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:jannathulprithus@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 27/11/2023
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Communication systems, Antenna wave Propagation
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
EMAIL ID :gayathriece@sethu.ac.in
ALTERNATE EMAIL ID:mohanadhanam1234@gmail.com
DATE OF JOINING : 13.08.2024
RESEARCH FOCUS:Biomedical Image Processing
SUBJECT COMPETENCY:-Digital Electronics Image Processing
Book Chapters Published :NIL
Assistant professor
** - M.E(COS) PG Faculty
★ DC Regulated Digital Power Supply (0-32V, 2A)
★ DC Regulated Digital Power Supply (0-64 V, 3A)
★ 30 MHz Dual Channel Oscilloscope
★ Ammeter
★ Voltmeter
★ ORCAD CAPTURE with PSPICE (5 User License)
★ ORCAD LAYOUT PLUS (1 User License)
★ DC regulated power supplies
★ Function generators
★ Dual trace oscilloscopes
★ Output Power Meter
★ Analog, Digital Multi meters
★ Ammeters, Voltmeters, Galvanometers
★ Digital IC Tester
★ 20 Bit Trainer Kit
★ 16 Bit Trainer Kit
★ 10 Bit Trainer Kit
★ Digital Multi meter
★ 8085 Microprocessor Kit
★ 8086/88 Microprocessor Kit
★ 8279 Key Board and Display Interface
★ 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface
★ 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller
★ 8251&8253 Serial Communication Timer Interface
★ ADC, DAC, Traffic Light Controller & Stepper Motor Interfaces
★ Microprocessor Based AC/ DC Motor Controller
★ X-Band, J-Band Microwave Benches
★ 86 to 860 MHz Antenna Training System
★ Fibre Optic Trainer & RF Trainer
★ AM & FM Transceiver
★ 1GHz Spectrum Analyser with Tracking Generator
★ Digital storage Oscilloscope
★ PIV & Core 2 Duo Systemss
★ TMS320C50,TMS 320C5416 & TMS 320C6713 DSP Kits
★ LAN Trainer
★ MATLAB R2009A - Version 7.8 (25 Users), SIMULINK (25 Users), Signal Processing, Image Processing, Communication Tool Boxes (10 Users)
★ NET SIM - Networking Simulation Software – 15 User License
★ Acer Desktop systems (Dual core)
★ SPARTAN-III FPGA Development kit
★ Tanner Software -15 Users License
★ XILINX ISE Foundation Software 9.1i with MODELSIM(Site License)