Mrs. S.M.Nazia Fathima, Research Scholar has received the following laurels under the guidance of Dr.R.Tamilselvi, Professor and Dr.M.Parisa Beham, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

IIGP 2.0 – University Challenge

Rs. 10 Lakhs under the DST-Lockheed Martin-Tata Trusts IIGP 2.0 – University Challenge 2019 for her project entitled “OsteoCheX- A handheld device to measure bone density from X-ray images”, New Delhi

India Innovation Challenge Design Contest

Rs. 1,00,000 worth processor kits as a Quater finalist in DST & Texas Instruments organized India Innovation Challenge Design Contest, IICDC 2018 for her project titled “Low cost BMD Device” in IICDC 2018, anchored by IIM, Bangalore