Sethu institute of technology along with YEI (Youth EXNORA International) has launched the SIT YOUTH EXNORA ECO CLUB on 8/10/11 . YEI Madurai has joined hands with NSS of SIT, Kariapatti and college’s Quality Circle Team- OASIS to initiate the concept of green campus. During the Inauguration function, the Principal felicitated the gathering and chief guest MR.S.P.Ramkumar, Vice President YEI briefed about SIT YOUTH EXNORA ECO CLUB. The club was inaugurated, by giving the pot of emerging life to the QC co-coordinatorProf.A. Merline (ECE Department ), Mrs.Poomani @ Punitha QC Facilitator (CSE department ) , Mr.J.Kumaresen NSS Officer (ICE department )and the OASIS team members, by the chief guest S.P.Ramkumar& The Principal Dr.A.Senthilkumar. The main aim of the club is make SIT GREEN by various projects like solid waste management, campus cleaning and developing the youth.An awareness camp was conducted by the chief guest Mr.S.P.Ramkumar which motivated all of the students to move towards a greener environment and know their responsibilities towards the nature on the day of inauguration. Later it was renamed as SIT ECO CLUB and it is functioning in that name by doing various activities.
Dr.M.Poomani@Punitha, Professor & Head / IT.