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Head of the Department


The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 1995, The department has highly qualified , well experienced and dedicated faculty members . The department caters at present to the teaching needs of the Under graduate Engineering students and M.E students

Department of Mathematics

We will always have STEM with us. Some things will drop out of the public eye and go away,
but there will always be Science, Technology, and Engineering. And there will always, always be Mathematics.

Sl.No Faculty ID Name of the Faculty Qualification Designation Area of Specialization
1 FD9362 Dr.M.Devarajan B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil,Ph.D., Professor & Head Queueing Theory
2 FD9002 Dr.D.Lakshmanaraj B.Sc,M.Sc,B.Ed,M.Phil,Ph.D., Professor Graph Theory
3 FD9035 Dr.K.Lakshmi Narayanan B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil,Ph.D., Professor Non Linear Differential Equations
4 FD9383 Dr.S.Basheer Ahamed M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D Professor Domination in fuzzy graphs
5 FD9038 Dr.S.Krishnakumar B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil,Ph.D., Associate Professor Markov Decision Process
6 FD9032 Dr.S.Gopi B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil,Ph.D., Associate Professor Operator Theory
7 FD9368 Dr.R.Priya B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil,Ph.D., Associate Professor Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
8 FD9008 Mr.J.Arul Vinayagan B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil,,(Ph.D)., Assistant Professor Fuzzy Logic
9 FD9009 Mr.R.Syed Ibrahim B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil,SET.,(Ph.D)., Assistant Professor Graph Theory
10 FD9030 Mrs.B.Kavitha B.Sc,M.Sc,B.Ed,M.Phil.,(Ph.D)., Assistant Professor Graph Theory
11 FD9034 Mr.V.Pandiyarasu B.Sc,M.Sc,B.Ed,M.Phil Assistant Professor Graph Theory
12 FD9029 Mrs.R.Gayathri B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil.,(Ph.D)., Assistant Professor Graph Theory
13 FD9031 Mrs.S.Latha B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil, Assistant Professor Graph Theory
14 FD9365 MrM.Senthil B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil Assistant Professor Graph Theory
15 FD9359 Mr.M N AnandhSriramSundar B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil Assistant Professor Graph Theory
16 FD9380 Mr. R.Sivasubramanian B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Phil, SET Assistant Professor Graph Theory