


Inception of the Department


Establishment of Programming Laboratory - I


Establishment of  Techware Laboratory

University IV Rank by S.Gopi of 1995-1999 Batch


Inauguration of Society of Computer Engineers (SITWARE)

 University IV Rank by S.Geetha of 1996-2000 Batch


Establishment of Open Source Laboratory

Establishment of Database Systems Laboratory


Best Department Award


SITANIUM 2K3 - National Level Symposium


University X Rank by K. Rajkumar of 2000-2004 Batch

 Best Engineering Project Award   from TNSCST

SITCON 2004 - First National Level Conference


Establishment of Department Library

Inauguration of Computer Society of India - Student Chapter


Accredited by NBA - AICTE,New Delhi

 MOU Signed with Infosys

Establishment of Computer Centre

Establishment of Internet Programming Laboratory

 MoU signed with INFOSYS


International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication - ICACC2007

SITANIUM 2K7 - National Level Symposium


Establishment of R&D laboratory Image Processing

 DRDO & TCS Sponsored National Seminar on "Intelligent Pervasive Computing"

SITCON 2008 - AICTE Sponsored Second National Level Conference

SITANIUM 2K8 - National Level Technical Symposium

MoU signed with ORACLE and EMC2


Inception of M.E CSE

 Establishment of Techware Lab

 AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Programme on "Advanced Internet Programming Techniques"

SITCON 2009 - Third National Level Conference

DRDO Sponsored National Seminar on "Recent Research Directions in Wireless Networks"


Inception of M.E. Computer and Communication SITCON 2010 - Fourth National Level Conference


Re-Accredited by NBA, New Delhi

Approved as Research Centre by Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli

Anna University I Rank by S.M.Nazia Fathima of M.E (CSE) 2009-2011 Batch

Anna University I Rank by I. Murosoli of B.E (CSE) 2007 - 2011 Batch

Nine University Ranks in B.E (CSE) for 2007 - 2011 Batch

Three University Ranks in M.E (CSE) for 2009 - 2011 Batch

SITANIUM 2K11 - National Level Symposium DRDO Sponsored 5th National conference - SITCON 2011 Established IBM Centre of Excellence Laboratory

CSIR Sponsored National Level Seminar on "Applications of Nano Technology to Energy, Environment and Bio Technology"

National Workshop on "Queuing Models and its Applications for Computer and Communication Engineers"


Received Rs.5 Lakhs as Grant for Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence in OOAD Lab from AICTE

Anna University III Rank by S. Nivetha of B.E (CSE) 2008 - 2012 Batch

Anna University I Rank by P. Asrin Banu of M.E (CC) 2010 - 2012 Batch

Ten University Ranks In B.E (CSE) for 2008 - 2012 Batch

AICTE Sponsored Sixth National Conference - SITCON 2012 DRDO Sponsored Sixth National Conference - SITCON 2012 Phase II

AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Programme on "Recent Advances In Mobile and Pervasive Computing" DIT Sponsored National Seminar On "Security Issues In Mobile Ad -Hoc Networks"

DRDO Sponsored National Seminar On "Information Security Issues & Solutions"

CSIR Sponsored National Seminar on "Cyber Crime and Forensic Tools"

Anna University Chennai Sponsored FDTP on "CS 61 - Artificial Intelligence"

Computer Training Program for the Collectorate Staffs of Virudhunagar district


Twelve Anna University Ranks in B.E (CSE) for 2009-2013 Batch.

AICTE Sponsored Technical Project Exhibition on "Emerging Computer, Communication and Information Technologies"

 Inauguration of AICTE Sponsored Object Oriented Analysis and Design Laboratory

Established Graphics and Multimedia Laboratory

Established Research and Development Laboratory - Networking

 Computer Training Program for the Rural Panchayat Presidents and Secretaries

 Personality and Stress Management Programme for +2 Students on "Good Bye to Exam Phobia"

Workshop on "Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting" for Technical Staff by Triton Networking Academy

Workshop on "Computer Hardware, Networking and Laptop Servicing" for faculty by Triton Networking Academy


Permanent Affiliation from Anna University Chennai

Approved as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai

AICTE Sponsored 2nd International Conference - ICECT 2014

Anna University Chennai Sponsored FDTP on "CS2303 - Theory of Computation"

Anna University II Rank by C. Muthumari of B.E (CSE) 2010 - 2014 Batch

 Twenty three Anna University Ranks in B.E (CSE) for 2010-2014 Batch.

Two Anna University Ranks in M.E (CSE) for 2012-2014 Batch.

Three Anna University Ranks in M.E (CC) for 2012-2014 Batch.


ISRO Sponsored National Seminar on "Research Issues in Space Science and Remote Sensing"

3rd International Conference - ICECT 2015 National Seminar on "Image Processing and Remote Sensing"

Seminar on "Software Development on Cloud"

National Seminar on "Big Data Analytics"

TNSCST sponsored “ State level Science exhibition for school students “


4th International Conference - ICECT 2016

One Day Seminar on “Big Data” Two days Seminar on “Seminar On Cloud Computing”


AICTE Sponsored Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme On “Cyber Forensics And Information Security”


Establishment of Project Laboratory


National level Symposium “ Tech Tonics 2k18” associated with Computer Society of India

Five Days Faculty Development Programme on  Machine Learning using Python  in association with Monkfox, Bangalore


State level INNOVATIVE IDEA SHOWCASE in association with CSI, Student Chapter


Five Days Hands Workshop on “  Machine Learning Using Python”  In Association With Monkfox, Bangalore

National level Technical Symposium on Erupta 2K19 in association with CSI, Student Chapter.

INFOSYS – Pedagogy Workshop for Faculties

Signed Member Institution of  UI Path


8th National conference on SITCON 2020 VSITCON 2020


AICTE STTP on “Application of Deep Learning Techniques in Remote Sensing for monitoring , Managing and Conserving Natural resources for the sustainable development of Nation”

MoU  with Aspire Sytem


Erupta-2k22 Sitware Program

9th National Conference on Hi-Tech in Emerging ComputationalTechnolo gies

5th Inaternational Conference on Recent Innovations in Information and Computing Technologies

CSE Sitware & AICTE Spices Joinly organised Workshop on IoT Tech Expo -22

DRDO Sponsored 2days Seminar on Smart Military Base Technology Challenges & Innovations


Received Rs.9.35 Lakhs Grant for MSME IDEA HACKATHON 2.0 - Projects "Cloud Data Analytics Stack for Smart Forming"

Received Rs.5 Lakhs Grant for MSME IDEA HACKATHON 2.0 - Projects "IOT and AI Based Smart Shopping Trolley"


Received Rs.15 Lakhs Grant for MSME IDEA HACKATHON 3.0 - Projects "Wifi based sewer clogging prediction system using IOT"

Received Rs.2 Lakhs Grant for Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Scheme

Received Rs.20000 Grant from Niral Scheme