Student Publications

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Subasree.k, Priya dharshini.b, Sai swathi.s, Ramsi.g “IoT based-Water level Monitering” merging Trends in information and communication Technologies ETICT-2K23 (5.4.2023)
Sobana R.S, Veeralakshmi.M "IoT based-Smart Farming" Emerging Trends in Information and communication technologies etict-2k23 (5.4.2023)
Mohamed tharic.S, Bala cheran.V, Aaron sam A.S, Shanmuga Pradeepan.R "IoT based-automatic dipping system" emerging trends in information and communication technologies etict-2k23 (5.4.2023)
Sobana R.S, Aaron sam A.S, Shanmuga pradeepan .R "Lemonaid App-App development" Emerging Electrical Systems and Control, 2023 (26.4.2023)
Clara R.A, Sankar kiran.M "IoT Based-Cocosnucifera Scaling up Machine" Emerging Electrical Systems and Control, 2023 (26.4.2023)
