Inception of the B.Tech IT Programme with 30 intake
Establishment of Campus Net Project
Best Department Award by Management
-Accredited by NBA-AICTE, New Delhi for 3 Years
-Increase in Intake from 30 to 90
Establishment of IBM CoE
Rs 9.5 lakhs received from AICTE under MODROBS
-17 University Ranks from the students of 2008 - 2012 Batch
-NC3K’12 – CSIR Sponsored National Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management.
-Establishment of Software Freedom Lab
-Establishment of Research Lab
-20 University Ranks
-IITB Resource Centre for Spoken Tutorial with Three star rating
-First Board of Studies Meeting
-International Conference – ICCI’13
-University First Rank by K.Subashini.
-30 University Ranks.
-501 Students completed EMC2 International Certification
-Re accredited by NBA, New Delhi, for 2 Years
-Digital India Pledge
-Industry Interaction with EMC, Oracle Academy
-VMware IT Academy
-International Conference – ICCI’15
-Extension of NBA Accreditation
-Runner in National Youth Talk competition - Soundarya.B
-Membership with Amazon Web Services
-FEP by Infosys Campus Connect
-Remote Centre status from IIT Bombay-T10KTP-MHRD
-International Conference – ICCI’18
-Infosys Excellence Award
-Permanent affiliation status from Anna University
-Center for Excellence with Dell EMC2
-Verge of establishing the Robotics lab in association with IIT - Bombay