Dr.G.Vaira Suganthi B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D
Head & Professor

Dr.G.Vaira Suganthi is a Professor& Head of Computer Science and Design since june 2022,She has over 20 Years of Teaching Experience.Her Research intrest include Image Proccessing,Machine Learning,Data Analysis.She has Published 8 papers reputable journals and presended 15 papers at various National and International Conferences..

Years of Experience:16yrs

Mr.S.Arun Inigo M.Tech.,(Ph.D)
Assistant Professor

Mr. S. Arun Inigo, AP/CSD received grant for Rs. 2 lakhs for the proposal titled “Garbo An Automated Detacher of Water Hyacinth and Floating Trashes ” along with ECE department.

Years of Experience:10yrs

Mrs.G. Maheswari B.E.,M.E
Assistant Professor

Ms. G. Maheswari, AP/CSD mentored our students and they got second prize in innovative ideas for Project Contest SCIMIT 23 held at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Pondicherry on 1.3.2023.

Years of Experience:2yrs

Mr.P.Anand B.E.,M.E
Assistant Professor

Mr.P.Anand, AP/CSD Mentored our students Project and the Project titleed secured online examiniation using blockchain Technology.

Years of Experience:2yrs

Ms. Shanmuga valli B.E.,M.E
Assistant Professor

Mrs.Shanmugavalli, AP/CSD Mentored Our students projects and participating Women Hackathon,National Institute for Micro,small and medium Enterprises(MSME).

Years of Experience:2yrs

Mr.B.Arjun Balaji B.Tech.,M.Tech
Assistant Professor

Mr.B.Arjun Balaji, AP/CSD. Mentored Our students Digital Marketting projects using IOT technologies through innovative ideas guided to our Students.

Years of Experience:2yrs

Mrs.M.Jeevanadha B.E.,M.E
Assistant Professor

Mentored Our students projects using IOT technologies through innovative ideas guided to our Students.

Years of Experience:2yrs

Mrs.S.Marriammal B.E.,M.E
Assistant Professor

Mentored Our students projects using IOT technologies through innovative ideas guided to our Students.

Years of Experience:2yrs

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