♚ Inception of UG B.E Electrical and Electronics Engineering Programme
♚ University First Rank
♚ Accredited by NBA-AICTE, New Delhi for 3 Years
♚ Inception of M.E Power Electronics & Drives
♚ AICTE Sponsored National Seminar - “Electrical Energy Conservation and safety”
♚ Approved as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai
DRDO sponsored National Seminars - “Energy Conservation Opportunities in Engineering Colleges”
♚ DRDO sponsored National Seminars -“Recent Trends In Distribution Generation Technology and Grid Integration”
♚ First National Conference STRAEE’12
Anna University sponsored “Electromagnetic Theory’ 12”
University 5th Ranks
2 013:
♚ CSIR Sponsored Seminar on “Applications of Wide Area Measurement in Smart Grid”
♚ Re-Accredited by NBA, New Delhi for 3 years, under Tier II Process.
♚ In AICTE - CII Survey, Ranked 11th in All India Level
♚ First International Conference ICEESC’14
♚ Permanent Affiliation from Anna University, Chennai.
♚ Department won the Innovation Camp Awarding Engineering Students Innovation Challenges (ESIC 2014) organized by International Society for Scientific Research and Development (ISSRD)
♚ Received Gold Category Status in All India Level by AICTE - CII Survey
♚ DRDO-ARMREB has sanctioned a Research Grant of Rs.19.46 lakhs
♚ Organized a Second National Conference NCEESC’16
♚ MoU Signed with National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Chennai
♚Received a Research Grant of Rs.40.29 lakhs from DST-SERI
♚ CSIR Sponsored Seminar on -
Issues and Challenges for Power Electronics in Renewable Energy System
♚ Second International Conference ICEESC’17
♚EEE Students won cash prize Rs.10,000 for their Project from TNSCST, Tamilnadu
♚ MoU Signed with ISIE INDIA, New Delhi.
♚ Students won first prize Rs.75,000 in National level Smart India Hackathon Hardware Edition 2019 under Ministry of Ayush held at IIT Delhi
♚ EEE Students won cash prize Rs.7,500 for their Project from TNSCST, Tamilnadu
♚EEE Student won cash prize Rs.10,000 in Tamilnadu Student Innovator Award conducted by Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Chennai
♚Re-Accredited by NBA for 3 years, under Tier I
(Washington Accord).
♚MSME has sanctioned research grant of 10.75 Lakhs
♚Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute has sanctioned 5 Lakhs.
♚Received 2 Lakhs from Unnat Bharat Abhiyan for the project
♚MSME has sanctioned research grant of 23.75 Lakhs.
♚Fourth International Conference
♚IEEE Power and Energy Society is established
♚IEEE sponsored the amount of Rs 41,000 for Organizing Idea Competition on Sustainable Development Goal
♚Re-Accredited by NBA for 3 years, under Tier I
(Washington Accord).
♚Centre for Sustainable Rural Development is
♚State Institute of Rural Development sanctioned
Rs. 5 Lakhs.
♚MSME has sanctioned research grant of 10 Lakhs.
♚IEEE sponsored the amount of 1.2 lakhs for
Organizing Project Contest on “ Role of Electronics
in achieving Sustainable Development Goals”.